There's a new blog in town!


Hi everyone!

I’ve been doing a little spring cleaning on my website and giving it a much needed sprucing up and it occurred to me that I've never had a blog section…

How nuts is that?! Here I am trying to let people know what I’m doing as an artist and I don’t even have a section on here that says “Here are the things that I am doing”!

My friends, this cannot continue!

So now I’ve added this nifty little section to the site. I’ll be using this much in the same way as social media - keeping you all up to date with what’s going on, sharing thoughts about stuff that’s happening in the world, funny videos and all the rest.

Expect major updates soon…there are plans being made!

In the meantime, if you haven’t yet, why not sign up to my newsletter? Social media can be fun, but they’re really not great places to keep up with what I’m doing - I recently read that only somewhere between 2-10% of followers ever even SEE your posts! That means between 90-98% of you don’t even KNOW what I’m up to!

Sign up to my newsletter, however, and you’ll never miss an update again (assuming you, ya know…check your inbox!)