It's finally time!
After months of planning, demoing and wrangling with schedules, I'm finally heading into the studio for my first full-length album!
That's me and the band (!) in the studio with my friend and producer, Martin Lumsden, rehearsing ahead of recording sessions next week!
We've had a LOT of discussions about this record and it's DEFINITELY going to sound different to what I've put out in the past. Whilst it's not going to be a complete transformation, it's definitely going to be a progression and something that I think is a more authentic record than anything else I've recorded.
Some stuff, you'll have heard me play before...but some stuff, you've NEVER heard before!
Nope, none of you!
There's at least one song in there at the moment that has NEVER been played live yet!
We'll be documenting the recording of the album as we go, so expect cool stuff coming to you as and when it happens. Who knows...maybe there'll even be live video!
Super excited to finally be getting to work!